Basic GCM Output for Multiple Experiments

Using the heldsuarez.jl driver, this demo shows how to run multiple experiments and plot their differences using one bash script.

  1. Download ClimateMachine.jl and VizCLIMA. For this demo use this VizCLIMA branch.

  2. Setup the pipeline bash script in the ClimateMachine.jl directory as shown here, and change the highlighted lines.

  3. Setup the exp_parameters file. This is a list of par1 val1 par2 val2 ... , where each line represents one model run. Note that parameter names must include all characters before the = sign, and values all of the characters after the = sign, as is in the experiment run file. For example, this script will modify the /experiments/AtmosGCM/heldsuarez.jl file and initiate three experiments of ΔT_y=(30K,60K,90K), each running for 0.5 days:
    ΔT_y FT(60) n_days::FT 0.5
    ΔT_y FT(30) n_days::FT 0.5
    ΔT_y FT(90) n_days::FT 0.5
  4. Copy the which contains functions for the automated parameter swapping.

  5. Run script using sbatch

  6. Your specified output folder should contain
    • .../netcdf/ containing the diagnostics output .nc file
    • .../restart/ containing all restart .jld2 files from individual nodes, for each experiment
    • .../log/ with:
    • model_log_err.out logfile
    • the three drivers for each experiment - .../analysis with:
    • general-gcm-notebook-setup-multi.jl copied from VizCLIMA (click here for demo)
    • plot_zonal_mean_anom.pdf
    • general-gcm-notebook-setup-multi.ipynb Juputer Notebook whih is automatically generated (click here for demo)
  7. View your notebook on a local machine
    • On both local and remote machines:
    • ensure JupyterLab is installed on both local and remote machines (check version of Julia and necessary packages for your notebook) - Remote host:
    • cd into your output directory
    • jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=XXXX - Local host:
    • ssh -N -f -L YYYY:localhost:XXXX <remoteuser>@<remote-cluster-node>
    • In your local browser type localhost:YYYY
    • You may get a prompt to authenticate using a token (printed when launched the notebook on the remote host), then you’re good to go!